Washington Avenue...The artist community blog

Post and Share your art.The artist community blog


To join the "IT'S ON" CHALLENGE
e-mail: Boblearned@gmail.com

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The "IT'S ON" Challenge...Draw a pirate!

This week Pirates of the Caribbean 3 came out. Even though it was not as good as the first I thought we could start our It's On challenge with the good ole' mainstay of comic, movies, and books. The Pirate challenge should land on Sept. 19 "talk like a pirate day." I'll try to remember that next year. So here it is...

It's On...Draw a pirate!
post it anytime in December!

Have a great weekend folks.


Unknown said...

Okay, I've already drawn my own comic characters as pirates in a short story line once... so I'll try something completly different this time! I'll be posting some kind of crazy pirate picture soon, you'll see!

Bob Learned said...

That's Great, Tamara! I really am pushing for new stuff in the challenges. But please post your comic or a link to it so we can see.


Unknown said...

I don't know how I can add a link (to the blog), but I put up my website in my profile and I'll link to my pirate story arc in my next post ^^

My pirate picture for today is turning out completly different from whatI've been doing so far...

Bob Learned said...

I flaked on the deadline... But mine came out pretty good for a super rush job